Advertise With Us
Inside front cover - inquire about price and availability (full color)
Inside & outside back cover - inquire about price and availability (full color)
$175 Full Page 5"X8" (black and white)
$100 Half Page 5"X4 (black and white)
$60 Vertical Quarter Page 2-1/2"w X4"h (black and white)
$60 Horizontal Quarter page 2"h X 5"w (black and white)
$35 Eighth Page 2"h X 2-1/2"w (black and white)
Our programs are distributed at a minimum of three performances each season, December, February or March, and May or June. Performances are held at various locations throughout the Southern Finger Lakes and Twin Tiers area. In a typical season we distribute several hundred copies of our program making your advertising dollar stretch far and wide.
Program pages are 5.5 X 8.5 in size. with a 0.25 inch border.
Ads are printed in gray scale except for full color cover pages (inside front cover, inside and outside back cover).
Business ads appear in all 3 concert programs of the season
Please supply the following:
1. Print ready ad copy should be submitted electronically to in pdf, high quality jpg, gif or tif format, with Cantata Ad in the subject line of the email.
For better print copy, avoid ad copy with color, dark background or shading.
2. Payment: Please submit cash or check payable to:
THE CANTATA SINGERS, PO Box 952, Elmira, NY, 14902.
Payments must be received before programs are printed.
Deadline for ad copy is November 1st in order to be printed in all concert programs of our current season.
Need further assistance? email