Listening, an act of love - The Story-Music project

The Story-Music Project was a two-year composer residency funded by a generous Artist Employment Grant from Creatives Rebuild New York. Through the project, composer and music director Will Wickham tells the stories of marginalized voices of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes Areas of upstate New York. Stories, gathered from a combination of research, interview, and submitted materials became the lyrics of new choral music with a variety of accompaniments from unaccompanied through full orchestra.

This page is hosting the audio recordings of all of the Story-Music Project works. Click here to see the video recording of Listening, an Act of Love on YouTube.

The first pieces of this collaboration told stories of the Confederate Prisoner of War Camp that was located just outside of the city of Elmira in 1864-1865. With texts based entirely on historical research, two works premiered in December of 2022. Written from the point of view of a confederate prisoner (Christmas Letter Home) and of citizens of the City of Elmira (Christmas in Elmira, 1864), these two works shine a light on a too-little known chapter in the history of this area of upstate New York. Full program information is available at this link.

Christmas Bells Ring was not directly about the prison camp, but instead set the mood for what Christmas morning was like on Water Street in Elmira. It was based entirely on the composer's impression of the shopping district of Elmira in 1864.

Clara’s Piano amplifies one of the many women who worked in classical music, most often without having a public voice. This piece came about as the result of our participation in the 2023 Schumann Festival, which was largely the effort of Walter Personius, one of our singers and a direct descendent of Clara and Robert Schumann. Click here for full program information.

As We Gather is a sung land-use acknowledgment to respect the indigenous peoples who have occupied our area of New York State for more than 10,000 years. Find program information at this link.

Rivers of Music is the story of Paul Holland. Paul is the most active working musician in all of our area! Program information can be found at this link.

Mumsie’s Call tells the story of Holly Strickland, a black pastor who heard the call just before her planned retirement. Program information can be found at this link.

Blooming Eternal began life as a touching poem written in memory of Lynn Rhoda Dates. Full program information available at this link.

So Wa Dada? (Are you good?) tells the story of Babatunde Ayanfodun (Tunde), the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion specialist at Corning Community College in Corning New York. Premiered on March 24, 2024 in Corning, program available at this link.

As Through Darkest Night is near and dear to the Cantata Singers’ collective heart! The words and music are about and written for a wonderful friend of the Cantata Singers who passed away late in the summer of 2023 even as the piece was being written. This choral story was premiered on March 24, 2024 in Corning.

The Story Teller is a collaboration with Cayuga Nation storyteller and flute maker Dan Hill. The July 13, 2024 performance featured Dan on his flutes. The six stories for choir and orchestra with indigenous flute are 1) The Story Teller, 2) Water, 3) Eagle and Thrush, 4) Two Little Birds, 5) Winter’s Winds, 6) Creator Asks

Not Red Enough is poet G.S. Murphy’s poem about living in contemporary society. In addition to the Cantata Singers choir, the performance features the poet’s own voice on the spoken text.

Listening, An Act of Love was conceived as a single piece in two connected parts. Part I is for unaccompanied choir with part II including full orchestra for a big ending!